Monday 3 February 2020

Chennai, 2020: Our Final Day and Now 7500 Children Will Enjoy a Good Night's Sleep

Where has the time gone?  Our team of seven have traversed along many many kilometres of roads, dodged motorbikes, tuk tuks, bicycles, wound through narrow and busy streets and today we returned to the hotel knowing that our mission with SCAW was complete.

Our eleventh and final distribution took place at the school adopted by Rotary Club of Ambattur in 1980. Adopting the school was the club’s original project. Rotary members volunteer their time & skills in the operation of the school. Only 12 staff members receive government wages and the Rotarians raise funds to cover all other expenses. 

These Rotarians also provide other incentives to help children obtain an education.

With over 1000 bedkits to distribute, two bedkits were displayed. Theresa and Cheryl each set up a camera and the clicks began!  The huge mountain of bedkits quickly began to shrink as the children started to tote off their new treasures. A group of eager 11 & 12 year old boys gave up a day off  to help the small children carry their bag to excited waiting parents outside the gates. More photos, more selfies and away they travelled to their homes, some several kilometres away.

A special and rather emotional moment was to meet the mother of a recipient. Twenty four years ago at the age of six she had been a bed kit recipient. After her years of using it, her brother used it.  Today this young woman is the mother of two children and happily works in an insurance office.

The second very special event today was the presentation of the Murray Dryden Scholarships to ten students.  The envelopes brought some wide smiles.  The Ambattur Rotary Club have established a fund where the accumulated interest from each year is used as a scholarship to assist students with their education. The value this year is approximately thirty dollars CDN.  What a thoughtful tribute to Murray.

Once again much credit for a smooth successful distribution is the result of dedicated Rotarians, Rotarian wives, teachers and student helpers. Special recognition today to Morelli, our van driver, who coached the children to say, “Thank You.” Morelli is also an expert with bedkit setup and take down.

The day is over. The distribution is complete. Seven thousand and five hundred children are now enjoying a better night’s sleep.

Isabelle Parliament
Team Chennai, 2020

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