Sunday 19 August 2018

Honduras: Halfway There!

After an early bedtime for all team members last night we woke up re-energized and ready to face the day. An early start had us well on our way with the expectation of arriving in good time, however we now know to always expect the unexpected. Our convoy was held up by a large group of cows being herded down the middle of the road. If you are not familiar with the attitudes of cows, they like to do as they like, not as we would like them to do!! After a few minutes we were able to proceed to our distribution site in time to see many children already lined up eagerly waiting for what the day was to bring them.

The first group of children through each had special needs, but the challenges they face did not stop them from participating and enjoying their time spent with the team members, Rotarians and Rotaracts.

The distribution ended with a very heartfelt thank you from the school principal on behalf of all the families, children and teachers. These moments of such an outpouring of gratitude, together with the smiles and laughter from the children is the reason the SCAW volunteers and the Overseas Volunteers Partners are continually pulled by our heartstrings and make us want to meet each day, even when challenged by the fatigue that sets in.

We were given a special treat of visiting the Cottage Industry where a presentation of the preparation of the uniform shirts was given. The team was able to ask questions and learned that by having the uniforms made by Honduran ladies the income helped 17 families in the area. We also learned that the 6000 uniforms were made in 2 months and 15 days, this is quite amazing.

Following the visit to the Cottage Industry we were all treated to a very tasty lunch of traditional Honduran fare including Tres Leches (Three Milks) dessert, my favourite part!

The tired but very happy team arrived back to the hotel and look forward to beginning the process all over again tomorrow. Sadly, we will say goodbye to two of our team members who must return home in the morning but the bonds we have formed with them will last a life time.

Sandra for
Team Honduras 2018