Thursday 23 August 2018

Honduras: The Happy & The Sad

 Today was one of those days where you look around at your team and you feel your heart fill with pride. I feel tremendously grateful to be working here in Honduras with so many wonderful people who are truly committed to improving the lives of the kids. We had a huge turnout of volunteers today and everyone pitched in- organizing the site, assembling the backpacks, herding the excited and bouncing children, clapping and singing songs with the kids, enjoying the camaraderie of conversation over a home cooked lunch. So many bright and happy moments. 

Then there are the sad moments too... it is hard to see your committed and caring team members return from the homes of the children in tears because of the hardships they have just witnessed. These children live in challenging circumstances- they arrive at the school bright and happy, but their home life shows a level of poverty that is difficult for us to process. It truly is hard to make sense of it all. So we remind ourselves why we are here, and we feel grateful that we are able to work here; we stretch our emotions and we change and we learn. And then we get back to work, always for the children.

Team Honduras 2018
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