Tuesday 4 February 2014

Kenya: More to Report

The Kenya team has been "Out of Nairobi."

It's been a few days since we've had access to wifi. We've distributed 1300 bedkits to some very excited and appreciative children. Following our distribution to Gilgil, we had the opportunity to visit an orphanage; several of the orphans were bedkit recipients. We received news that the most recent addition to the orphanage came about, in part, due to our distribution. A woman brought a 3-year-old boy to the site hoping that he could have a bedkit. His mother had just passed away and his father, who was already caring for 2 older children, wasn't able to care for him. Fortunately, the orphanage took him in.

We were entertained by the kids who sang and danced for us. The team members joined in for a salsa lesson: Bob won the award for "not getting a single step right," Ken won for "endurance," Wanda for "most serious," Jean Pierre for "most clumsy," Brenda for "best hip action," and Evan for "faking it."

We then had the opportunity to visit an IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camp to meet two of the recipients from the 2012 SCAW distribution. While the conditions were very primitive, the bedkit contents were being put to good use. The social worker who joined us provided some background on how these IDPs came to be here and just how much of a difference the bedkits make to their lives.

Pictures to follow

Team Kenya 2014

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