Thursday 13 February 2014

Pune: Our First Day!!

Our 9 member team arrived in Valuth to a wonderful and exciting welcome.   We were all presented with a headscarf (even the men), which indicates that we are important.  We were carried in oxen powered carts to our destination.  People were all lined on the road.  We felt special and important to be sure.  We were then entertained by children who danced to traditional music, and then on to why we are here—the children.

Our almost 1,000 SCAW bedkit recipients were from the various rural communities of Valuth.  Some of the children came from around 40 km away.  This year the Rotary Club of Pune Cantonment increased bedkit items to 33.  Some of the items are: baseball cap, backpack, mosquito net, school supplies, clothes, and shoes.  All of the items are of excellent quality, which is a testament to the Rotary Club’s persistence in obtaining not only the best prices, but also superior products.

Our exciting journey has just begun. 

Team Pune 2014