Two elephants,one walking majestically down the road and the other riding in an open truck, calmly eating her supper.
Oxen are placed somehow in a tiny truck, head to tail,while their herdsman hangs on to the back, no room inside!
A couple of goats were given a ride on the back of a motorbike, and water buffalo are either yoked to carts, or led along.
Sugarcane and brushwood for fires are loaded onto trucks, carts, and bicycles. We see women walking down the road, having such erect posture with impossible loads balanced on their heads. They carry wood, washing, water, and all sorts of things.
Dogs and goats prance between the traffic, and we marvel at their talent for staying alive.
Life on the road is always vibrant , and never boring.
Margaret Crossling
Mumbai/Belgaum Team 2014
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