Thursday 6 February 2014

Mumbai/Belgaum: Travelling

Another day of travelling through the green and fertile lands of Belgaum region as we made our way to the distribution area of Ramdurg. It began early in the morning amidst the rush of travellers all going their ways to work, be it to the fields for the sugar cane harvest, or loading up vegetables on the trucks for market, or the ever present trucks laden with rocks, steel, or sugar cane loads, balanced perfectly on an old bicycle, being driven by little old men. This was the scene we were in, when our driver stopped, along the narrow road, due to a tire puncture. Such a surprise, but no worries, Manjunath had it repaired in a short time, and we were once again on our way.

We had time to sit and watch a village literally wake up, the children out playing in the road, the parents feeding animals, and so life goes on, in amazing India.

Monika Sergeant for Team Mumbai/Belgaum 2014
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