Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Chennai: Children Helping Children

Today we were welcomed by the founder of the school where we did our first distribution. After a true Indian breakfast we greeted the 600 children who would receive their SCAW bed kit. 

Along with all the children we had the pleasure of enjoying the help from 3 volunteer groups - the Girl Guides, the Boy Scouts and young members of Navy Cadets.  

It was a delight to be in their presence and experience their enthusiasm for the SCAW program and the help they gave us with the children. They served as a gentle bridge to the children, dressing them, guiding them to the photos and helping them out with their precious bedkits. 

Needless to say it was a GRRRRREAT first day. 

We even had time to have a little fun!

Theresa and Kay for Team Chennai 2018
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