Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Kolkata: Day 3 - Howrah!

Our distribution took us to Howrah today to distribute 510 bedkits.
We are becoming a well tuned machine, each appreciating what it takes to make the distribution work.

Our day takes shape like this ...

We arrive at the site and decide where the photos will be taken.  We set up the camera and the bedkit to be photographed with the child.  While that is happening, the children are met by the wonderful overseas volunteers, where the child provides their registration card, and then is provided an appropriately sized backpack (s, m, lrge) male or female.  The child then changes into one of their new outfits for the donor picture and stands in line until it is their turn for a picture.

 We have greeters who line the children up for the photo.  

We have a setter to sit the children for the photo, we also have a label puller at the photo site

Following the photo the children then take the label to the scorekeeper table for cross referencing before moving along with their registration card to be handed their beautiful gift of the bedkit.

The child could receive a meal upon arrival at the site, or receive a boxed meal at the end....this is decided by the location host.  As well, during the distribution, one team member will do candid photos of the day, while another will do surveys with parents, guardians, teachers or children about the bedkit and its contents... At times we also have to be goat herders and dog keepers, keeping the animals away....

Upon completion of the day we clean up, enjoy a meal with our hosts and then either drive back to our hotel, or drive to another location for the next day's event....

Back at the hotel we download the days photos onto the computer, go through the candid photos and write the blog ... After that we can shower and have dinner ...

We can distribute anywhere between 100 to 1000 bedkits in a day...on average it is 500-600... 

We are happy that we also give to those who are handicapped and also those who have special needs, those who are in orphanages and those who are in need... We love to visit with the children, this is why we are here...

Team Kolkata 2018
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